The report of the State Audit Office of Hungary (SAO) on the audit of MNB (the central bank of Hungary) is now public. The audit focused mainly on real estate investments made by MNB through the business companies it set up. According to the SAO, the MNB did not always meet the requirements of economical operation, and the controls over its financial management were not fully fulfilled.
The State Audit Office of Hungary (SAO) audited the investments of the Neumann János University Foundation in long-term debt securities. The SAO found that the investments did not comply with the requirements of responsible financial management. The SAO made recommendations to the auditees and also filed a criminal complaint for suspected mismanagement of public assets.
The State Audit Office of Hungary audited, among other things, whether the Foundation’s assets were managed in accordance with the requirements of responsible financial management. The SAO found a number of shortcomings in this area, therefore it made recommendations to the auditees and filed a criminal complaint for suspected mismanagement of public assets.
The main topics of the conference included performance auditing, audits on sustainability issues and empowering public understanding.
Questions and answers – simply
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Ezen felül opcionálisan választható "használatot támogató kényelmi sütiket", továbbá "statisztikai sütiket" is használunk honlapunkon. Az opcionális sütik beállításának választása csupán lehetőség, amely minden esetben a látogató egyedi hozzájárulását jelenti.
A oldalon alkalmazott sütikről bővebb tájékoztatás a "Süti kezelés" gomb megnyomásával érhető el.