On 19 April, Dr. László Windisch, President of the State Audit Office of Hungary (SAO) received the President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts, who has been Chair of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) since 2022, at the SAO’s headquarters. During the meeting, Dr. Bruno Dantas presented the ClimateScanner initiative, which he has launched as head of the world organisation. The aim of the project is to develop a methodology that will allow supreme audit institutions to carry out rapid assessments of governments’ actions towards climate change. The aim of INTOSAI is to carry out such assessments as widely as possible so that the reliable information collected can contribute to government transparency and policy improvement.

At the meeting, the parties briefly presented their experience concerning environmental audits. The SAO delegation presented, among others, its audit related to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6, which focused on the domestic drinking water protection system and the implementation of the objectives of the National Water Strategy. The SAO’s audit plan for 2024 focuses on the audit of water management, which the SAO will examine in several audits this year. In addition, the SAO will audit the achievement of the climate policy objective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.