Dr László Windisch, President of the State Audit Office of Hungary and Mr Ľubomír Andrassy, President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic held an executive meeting in Budapest on 23 May 2023. During the exchange of views between the management of both SAIs, the parties renewed and signed a cooperation agreement of the two institutions.

During the professional consultations, members of the delegations reviewed the solutions to similar challenges the SAIs of the two countries are facing, and shared information on the state of play of the renewal process launched both by the Slovak and Hungarian institutions, as well as on its results. Topics covered during the meeting included the problem of sustainability of public finances, audit topic selection and planning issues, questions concerning the complexity of water management, parties discussed the peer review of the Slovak SAI as well.
Main purpose of the event was the renewal of the cooperation agreement concluded in 1999. Under the document signed at the meeting, the parties plan to carry out parallel audits on mutually agreed topics in the future, jointly participate in professional conferences in order to develop the skills, competences and professional perspectives of their staff, and organise seminars, internships and other international training events for experts from the partner country to provide a framework for further exchange of experience.
According to the agreement, the Hungarian and Slovak SAIs will exchange information and documentation on pre-defined topics, as necessary, in order to keep each other updated of current legal and institutional developments, information technology, reform trends and the results of their audit activities.

The two Presidents also agreed to hold regular expert-level meetings and management consultations in the future and to support each other’s work within international organisations.