Dr. László Windisch, President of the State Audit Office of Hungary, paid an official visit to the President of the Austrian Court of Audit, Dr. Margit Kraker, who also holds the post of Secretary General of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). The visit took place in Vienna at the headquarters of the Austrian Court of Audit.
The prominent professional partnership with the Austrian Court of Audit goes back to decades, our institutions have participated in several cooperative audits and other collaborations. The INTOSAI, founded in 1953, is an international organisation of which members are the national Supreme Audit Institutions of States all around the world. The organisation currently has 195 full members, 5 associate members and 2 affiliate members.

The close professional partnership started in the early 1990s between the Visegrad countries – Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary – deserves a special attention. Later, with the accession of Slovenia in 2003 and Austria in 2004 to the network, the V4+2 cooperation was established. Through the joint work, the participating SAIs take advantage of the challenges caused by the similar economic, social and cultural backgrounds to develop a common position, which they represent together at the annual meeting of the EU Contact Committee.
The main topics of Monday’s meeting covered the evaluation of the results of the 2022 INTOSAI Congress (INCOSAI), the future of the V4+2 cooperation, last but not least the two SAIs’ presidents also discussed the possibilities of future bilateral institutional relations.