From November 2023, the State Audit Office of Hungary has been holding knowledge-sharing presentations for nearly 1,000 civil society organisations in several counties as part of its advisory activitiy. The purpose of the events is to promote the lawful financial management of civil organisations, with special regards to the regular utilisation, accounting and auditability of funds from public finance sources as well as the transparency of the financial management of public funds.
During the presentations, the staff of the SAO explains the most important legal regulations affecting the operation and financial management of civil organisations and then present the good and bad practices detected based on relevant audit experience. The SAO strives for bilateral communication, thus at the end of the presentations, participants can pose questions to the presenters relating to the topic.

The most recent event taken place in Budapest generated great interest and was attended by nearly 200 people.
The next locations of the knowledge-sharing events of the SAO will be as follows:
- 16 April 2024, Salgótarján;
- 23 April 2024, Pécs;
- 25 April 2024, Debrecen;
- 7 May 2024, Kaposvár;
- 9 May 2024, Eger;
- 14 May 2024, Tatabánya;
For more information regarding the events, please contact the Civil Community Service Center related to the concerning county.