The International Board of Auditors for NATO (IBAN) is NATO’s six-member, independent, external audit body, which is obliged to report to the North Atlantic Council. The audit institution was established four years after the signing of NATO memorandum in 1953, the year INTOSAI was founded. According to the statutes defining the operating procedures of the […]
Following the historical traditions of the Visegrad Cooperation, the cooperation between the audit institutions of the V4+2 group of countries was established in 1991, at the initiative of the State Audit Office of Hungary. The purpose of the cooperation is to harmonize audit methods and professional documents between the EU and Visegrad countries, as well […]
The State Audit Office of Hungary established extensive bilateral and multilateral international relationships to raise the standards of audit and to benefit from its experience. It maintains intensive cooperation with international organisations of supreme audit institutions, takes a proactive role in the development of the audit profession, conducts international cooperative audits, performs peer reviews and […]
MPGE is the Hungarian Association of Financial and Economic Auditors. The aim of the Association is to promote the development of auditing methods and to increase the prestige of auditing by uniting financial and economic auditing professionals in a single organisation, to contribute to the knowledge development of its members and to the mutual exchange […]