Cooperative Audits

A priority area for international cooperation between supreme audit institutions is the conduct of international cooperative audits. The audits, which involve two or more SAIs, are typically aimed at evaluating cross-border joint projects, examining regional phenomena and facing the major challenges of our time. These issues require common and global action. Such topics include: the […]

EUROSAI Good Practices Database

EUROSAI Electronic Good Practices Database on Audit QualityThe VII EUROSAI Congress held in Krakow in June 2008 discussed the theme ‘Establishing an Audit Quality Management System within a Supreme Audit Institution’. As a result of the Theme Session, the working group in charge of preparing the Congress theme was mandated to produce a guide on […]

INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) elaborated the framework of professional standards which was adopted in 2007 which is continuously developed by the support of its technical committees. In 2016, the ISSAI framework was replaced by the new framework named IFPP (INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements) in which the Professional Documents have been […]

INTOSAI Development Initiative

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) is the capacity development secretariat of the organisation. The IDI, established in 1986, is a non-profit organisation that is mandated to strengthen the institutional capacity of the SAIs of INTOSAI Member States. The IDI work is based on the needs and challenges SAIs experience by conducting a global survey among […]

Bilateral Agreements

In accordance with best practice in the international community, the supreme audit institutions lay down priority cooperation topics and areas (e.g. education and professional further training, capacity development, or peer review) as well as initiatives aimed at implementing cooperative audits with audit institutions of other countries on the basis of a common professional criteria in […]

EU Contact Committee

The EU Contact Committee is a forum for the cooperation of the EU member state audit institutions and the European Court of Auditors (ECA), within the framework of which the referred institutions – in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European Community – preserve their independence and respect their constitutional mandate, they work together in […]


The European Organisation of Regional Audit Institutions, EURORAI was established in 1992. The organisation is a form of cooperation between financial institutions auditing the public sector in Europe, which enables the exchange of experience between regional audit institutions and the promotion of the development of financial audit of public funds at regional and local level. […]


EUROSAI, the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions, is a regional organisation of INTOSAI founded in 1990. The primary goal of the organisation, which now has more than fifty members, is to promote professional cooperation between European SAIs, facilitate the exchange of documents and information, as well as the study of external audit, to encourage […]


INTOSAI, the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions, includes the SAIs of countries, which are members of the United Nations or a specialized organization of the UN. The mission of the international organization founded in 1953 is to facilitate mutual assistance, the exchange of knowledge and experience, and to represent supreme audit institutions in the […]


Cooperation Agreement with the Office of the National Assembly (available in Hungarian) Cooperation Agreement with the National Association of Sports Federations (available in Hungarian) Higher Education Institutions Óbuda UniversityCooperation Agreement with Óbuda University (available in Hungarian) University of SopronCooperation Agreement with the University of Sopron (available in Hungarian) University of Károly EszterházyCooperation Agreement with the […]